University of Mumbai's

Garware Institute of Career Education and Development

NAAC Re-accredited with 'A++' Grade

B.Des. (Fashion Designing)

+ Semester I

Subject Code Subject Name Internal External Marks Credit
BDESFDS1MJP1 Design Foundation 50 50 100 4.00
BDESFDS1MJP2 Fiber to Fabric 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS1P3A Basics of Management 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS1P3B Personality Development 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS1P3C Basic Nutrition 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS1P4 Embroidery 50 00 50 2.00
BDESFDS1P5 Computer Applications- I 50 00 50 2.00
BDESFDS1P6 Communication Skills 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS1P7 Indian Sericulture 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS1P8 Environmental Science 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS1P9 Workshops / Seminars / Visits / Shows / Events 50 00 50 2.00
Total 600 24.00

+ Semester II

Subject Code Subject Name Internal External Marks Credit
BDESFDSMJ2P10 Foundation of Stitching 100 00 100 4.00
BDESFDS2MJP11 Garment Manufacturing Technology 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS2MRP12 Fashion Concepts 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS2P13A Sociology 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS2P13B Micro Economics 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS2P13C Nutrition & Fitness 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS2P14 Fabric Styling 50 00 50 2.00
BDESFDS2P15 Computer Applications – II 50 00 50 2.00
BDESFDS2P16 Managerial Communication 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS2P17 Environmental Resource Management 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS2P18 Workshops / Seminars / Visits / Shows / Events 50 00 50 2.00
Total 600 24.00

+ Semester III

Subject Code Subject Name Internal External Marks Credit
BDESFDS3MJP19 Basic Fashion Illustration 50 50 100 4.00
BDESFDS3MJP20 Pattern Making & Garment Construction – I 100 -- 100 4.00
BDESFDS3MRP21 Design Process 50 50 100 4.00
BDESFDS3P22 Basics of Accountancy OR Macro Economics 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS3P23 Tie & Dye Techniques 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS3P24 Spoken French -I 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS3P25 Industrial Visit 50 50 2.00
BDESFDS3P26 Workshops / Seminars / Visits / Shows / Events 50 50 2.00
Total 1050 44.00

+ Semester IV

Subject Code Subject Name Internal External Marks Credit
BDESFDS4MJP27 Advance Illustration 50 50 100 4.00
BDESFDS4MJP28 Pattern Making & Garment Construction – II 100 -- 100 4.00
BDESFDS4MRP29 Traditional Textiles 50 50 100 4.00
BDESFDS4P30 Interior Space Styling OR Photography 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS4P31 Digital Designing – I 50 -- 50 2.00
BDESFDS4P32 Spoken French -II 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS4P33 Community Empowerment 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS4P34 Workshops / Seminars / Visits / Shows / Events 50 50 2.00
Total 1150 44.00

+ Semester V

Subject Code Subject Name Internal External Marks Credit
BDESFDS5MJP35 Fashion Evolution 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS5MJP36 Stylized Illustration 50 50 100 4.00
BDESFDS5MJP37 Draping -I 100 -- 100 4.00
BDESFDS5P38 Design Thinking OR Lingerie Design 50 50 100 4.00
BDESFDS5MRP39 Surface Ornamentation Techniques 50 50 100 4.00
BDESFDS5P40 Digital Design – II 50 -- 50 2.00
BDESFDS5P41 Craft Visit 50 50 2.00
Total 1050 48.00

+ Semester VI

Subject Code Subject Name Internal External Marks Credit
BDESFDS6MJP42 Fashion Retail 25 25 50 2.00
BDESFDS6MJP43 Draping -II 100 100 4.00
BDESFDS6MJP44 Pattern Making & Garment Construction - III 100 -- 100 4.00
BDESFDS6P45 Marketing & Branding OR E- Commerce & Entrepreneurship 50 50 100 4.00
BDESFDS6MRP46 Basic Fabric Structure & CAD 50 50 100 4.00
BDESFDS6P47 Internship 100 100 4.00
Total 1150 46.00
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